INTRODUCTION 9 SECTION ONE THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE ASSESSMENT OF INSOLVENCY RISK OF ENTERPRISES 15 CHAPTER I INSOLVENCY RISK AS AN OBJECT OF ANALYTICAL RESEARCH 15 1.1. Logical basis of the insolvency risk assessment of enterprises 16 1.2. Macroeconomic dimensions of the insolvency risk 26 1.3. Main characteristics of the insolvency risk 40 CHAPTER II METHODOLOGICAL APPARATUS FOR ASSESSMENT OF INSOLVENCY RISK 58 2.1. Analytical approaches to assessing the insolvency risk 59 2.2. Selection of risk assessment analytical models 70 2.3. Key components of analytical models 81 SECTION TWO PRACTICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF THE INSOLVENCY RISK ASSESSMENT OF ENTERPRISES 96 CHAPTER III ASSESSMENT OF THE INSOLVENCY RISK 96 3.1. Provision of information and tools in assessing the insolvency risk 97 3.1.1. Provision of information in risk assessment 97 3.1.2. Risk assessment tools 102 3.2. Risk assessment of enterprises declared bankrupt 108 3.3. Risk assessment of financially stable enterprises 120 CHAPTER IV IMPROVEMENT OF THE ANALYTICAL MODELS FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE INSOLVENCY RISK 130 4.1. Determining the prognostic capabilities of analytical models 131 4.2. Adapting the analytical models 138 4.2.1. Correcting the limit value of an integral indicator 138 4.2.2. Modifying an analytical model by changing the weighting coefficients 142 4.3. Creating analytical models 146 4.3.1. Model building – phase I 146 4.3.2. Model building – phase II 150 CONCLUSION 160 REFERENCES 166 APPENDICES 169
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 9 CHAPTER ONE. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES 13 1. Specifics of international trade in services 13 2. Main factors stimulating international trade in services 16 3. The determinants in the ...
ABSTRACT Price optimization through quantitative methods of analysis allows companies to make informed decisions about effective pricing policy. By using data instead of assumptions, decision makers can determine the "right" price for their product or service in order ...
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a broader theoretical view of the process of determining the indicative value of a commercial enterprise. A methodlogical framework of commercial companies’ valuation toolkit is presented. The features of the traditional approaches, ...
ABSTRACT The international division of labour is a factor and source for the formation of modern production structure, which generates a change in the international competitiveness of the national economies. The dynamics of modern international trade is ...
Nowadays, when the world seems to be moving faster and faster along the path of its evolution, transformations in the education system can be defined as dynamic, diverse and non-linear. Globalization and the easy access to huge amounts of information from anywhere in ...
Foreign models for assessing the insolvency risk of enterprises are an effective way of forecasting a financial position, therefore, they should not be directly excluded from the analytical tools used in Bulgaria. At the same time, these models, developed in ...
The "Business World" Library is a specializsed edition with longer than a quarter-century history, which publishes the monographic studies of authors from higher schools and scientific organisations in Bulgaria and abroad in the field of economics, administration and management. It was established in 1993 in response to the need of the scientific production to gain more publicity and to assist the authors in their academic advancement. Its first and longtime
The monographic studies, submitted for review, should meet the following requirements:
1. The monographic study should be research-oriented, present thorough research of a complex scientific issue that has been developed individually or collectively, contain original high-level theoretical and practical research with an expanded structure (content).
Foreign models for assessing the insolvency risk of enterprises are an effective way of forecasting a financial position, therefore, they should not be directly excluded from the analytical tools used in Bulgaria. At the same time, these models, developed in socio-economic conditions that differ from the Bulgarian ones, suggest that they should not be immediately applied without a thorough and targeted study. Such studies contribute to the application of foreign analytical models with ...
Nowadays, when the world seems to be moving faster and faster along the path of its evolution, transformations in the education system can be defined as dynamic, diverse and non-linear. Globalization and the easy access to huge amounts of information from anywhere in the world and at any time challenge teachers to always be well-informed about achievements and innovations in the sciences they teach. The penetration of digitalization into every area of people’s lives poses additional ...
ABSTRACT The international division of labour is a factor and source for the formation of modern production structure, which generates a change in the international competitiveness of the national economies. The dynamics of modern international trade is structurally decisive in the formation of trade flows and creates international specialization of production, which in turn implies a modern approach in analyzing the current international division of labour. The production and export ...