Deficincies in the Implementation of SWOT Analysis


SWOT analysis, plans, programmes

SWOT analysis is one of the strategic analysis methods most widely employed to ‘reconcile’ advocates of introverted management concepts (organizational excellence, process management, economical pro¬duction, etc.) and extroverted approaches (marketing, strategic management for results, early warning systems, etc.). It gives prominence to both the envi¬ronment and the internal state of a subject in order to examine possible combinations of internal and external factors and generate ideas for strategic choices.

Reviewing SWOT analyses as a constituent of all current strategic documents gives grounds for the assertion that its implementation is strikingly limited in terms of methodology, which renders it impossible to draw ade-quate conclusions or identify feasible development strategies. This article supports the thesis that SWOT analysis might be far more useful when it is properly implemented and its full potential is utilised.

JEL: O21
Pages: 17
Price: 2 Points

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