market of education, model of transmision mechanism of distribution of knowledge, economic analysis of the functioning system of compulsory education in Bulgaria, state-financed higher education
Introduction 9
Chapter one. The market mechanism of socially minded form of capitalism 13
1.1. Education as an economic category 13
1.2. Labour and human capital 18
1.3. Postmodern interpretation of education 25
1.4. The role of the state in provision of education 32
1.5. A political interlude 43
1.6. Toward a socio-economic theory of education 47
1.7. About the factors of production in education and conditions for achieving market equilibrium 55
Chapter two. Characteristics of Bulgarian education system 68
2.1. Terms of standardization. Duration of studies before completion of secondary education 68
2.2. The state matriculation examinations as verification
of knowledge, skills and competences 80
2.3. Findings from the analysis of primary and secondary education system 88
2.4. Need for analysis of financing the education in state universities 95
2.5. Calculation methodology of the state funding of education at state universities 96
2.6. Revenues of state universities other than state funding 102
2.7. Applying the state universities funding formula. An illustrative example 104
2.8. Strategy for Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014-2020 period 114
Conclusion 133
References 139
Appendices 146
This study is inspired by the numerous initiatives of the government to reform the education system of Bulgaria. It aims at making an economic analysis, comprehensive in scope, of the effectiveness of the formal rules that have been established and at finding answers to the question of how the existing system can be improved. In order to achieve this goal, many economic concepts and theories have been discussed and a model of a state-dominated education system has been created to identify the factors affecting the quality of education. The key issue in the research is to define the role of the state in provision of education, because that will help analyze the numerous characteristic features of the Bulgarian education system.
Pages: 173
Price: 5 Points