Nikolay Andreev
An Integrated Approach in the Study of the Evolution
of the Stabilisation Policy of the European Union
Studying the evolution of European Union's stabilisation policy is a difficult task that requires certain focusing. In a broad sense, stabilisation policy can be defined as a set of measures taken by the government and implemented by certain bodies and mechanisms to overcome problems of the economy or to restore its equilibrium. Of course, processes ongoing at global, regional, and national levels in the economic system should also be taken into account in determining the instruments of the stabilisation policy. For the European Union in particular, the stabilisation instruments in its development are expressed in changes both in the strategic and in the structural and the institutional aspects and the evolution of the stabilisation policy can be characterized as distinct periods of development.
Kalina L. Durova
Cohesion Policy of the European Union: Evolution, Challenges
and Prospects
The article analyzes the historical development of the Cohesion (Regional) Policy of the European Union and outlines the main challenges and perspectives facing it. Recommendations are formulated for its improvement in the future.
Dudar Volodimir
Development of the Market for Food Products from Ukraine’s Agricultural Sector
The article analyses the development of markets for food products from the Ukraine agricultural sector and the degree of its dependence on imports of food products. The article also outlines the main areas for activating international economic activities and realization of export potential of Ukraine’s agricultural sector specializing in food production. The author advocates the necessity of deepening the processes of integration with main international markets of agricultural food products.
Tanya Gorcheva
Reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy and Benefits to Bulgaria
The paper deals with issues related to the evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP) and the process of reforms the policy has been undergoing. It also provides a retrospective analysis in order to outline both favourable and adverse aspects of the impact which CAP has had on the development of the agricultural sector in Europe in general and in Bulgaria in particular. It is thus possible to highlight the benefits which our country could gain from those reforms by taking into consideration changes in existing regulations and the implementation of related policy instruments. The paper also reviews what was achieved in our country in the 2007-2013 programme period in result of implementing the CAP. Finally, it outlines expectations related to Bulgarian agriculture for the next programme period in terms of the changes introduced into that policy by the European Commission.