Stoyan Prodanov
Indemnification of Non-Material Damages Caused by Road
Traffic Accidents – Ethical and Financial Aspects
With the development of road transport, social, labour, educational, investment, and cultural mobility has improved, at the expense of worsened traffic security, increased damage to property, health and lives of traffic participants. Car accidents have become a global phenomenon and are a leading cause of death compared to household and occupational accidents. The value of human life continues to be a challenging and unresolved problem facing science, politics, economic and social relations. However, healthcare, insurance, the fields of security and justice are daily confronted with the need to negotiate and find a pragmatic solution to the problem of the value of human life. Insurance companies offering the compulsory ‘Motor third party liability insurance’ cover the liability of the insured for the damage caused to third parties as a result of the possession or use of a motor vehicle while driving or idling. Insurers cover non material and material damages resulting from bodily injury or death, damage caused to other people’s property, loss of profit deriving directly and immediately from the damage, reasonable costs incurred in relation to the filing of a claim, including legal expenses awarded against the insured, and the interest. The current situation in the insurance market, the legal regulation of indemnities in our country, as well as the prosperity of the Bulgarian citizens, reflect on a number of problems accompanying this type of insurance.
Stoyan Prodanov, Dimitrina Lyubenova Prodanova
This research focuses on the innovative LEADER approach within the Common agricultural policy of the EU which is widely used for the decentralized and at the same time integrated development of rural regions in each member state. Theoretically, the LEADER approach is part of the endogenous theory of economic development and plays an important role in achieving the social, economic and now climatic aims as a specific European model of stimulating the inclusion of communities in local development. From a spatial point of view, the LEADER approach has been applied at the level of municipality or unified neighboring municipalities and/or neighboring settlements-part of a municipality/ies with a population between 10,000 and 150,000 inhabitants by local initiative groups (LIG). Bulgaria’s Program for the development of rural regions 2014–2020 adopts the national definition according to which rural regions are defined at the municipal level (LAU 1) and comprise the territory of 231 municipalities in which the largest town has a population of 30,000 inhabitants. The analysis of the spatial coverage of rural regions with LIG shows the negative effect of the admission of typically urban municipalities within the territories which receive funding through the LEADER network. To eliminate those inaccuracies in determining the policies for the development of rural regions, we propose and test variants to change this arguable, too streamlined and non-corresponding to scientific thought definition of a rural region.
Stoyan Prodanov, Stefan Stanimirov
The present study focuses on the development of the Bulgarian insurance market in the second decade of the XX century. It examines the issues of the relationship between the global financial sector, insurance and the phases of economic cycles; the debate on the importance of the financial sector and insurance for the economic development; the establishment of correlations and dependencies between the dynamics of GDP and the dynamics of the Gross Premium Income (GPI) in the general insurance sector in Bulgaria for the period 2007-2019, presenting prospective reflections and assessment of the impact of the global pandemic COVID-19 on the Bulgarian insurance market. The linear model in a realistic scenario forecasts a decline in GPI of 18.2%, in a GDP decline of 9.0%. An additional assessment and forecast made using the model is that a decrease between 12.4% and 25% of GPI from the compulsory motor third party liability insurance (at the indicated level of GDP decline) will have a destructive effect on the Bulgarian model of general insurance, due to the impossibility to perform the social functions of this insurance such as the protection of victims of road accidents.
Stoyan Prodanov, Tsetan Pavlov
Comparative Analysis of the Leading Consumption-Based
Asset Pricing Models
The article analyzes in depth the consumption-based asset pricing models, and displays most perspective contemporary trends in the field. A conceptual framework of models has been originally presented linking macroeconomic and financial relationships, and mathematical basis of the classic CCAPM has been developed. The paper also brings out the leading approaches for modification of the basic model, overcoming some of its shortcomings, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and the ability of consumption-based modern models to recreate empirical correlations in profitability and the risk of financial assets. The leading conclusion of the article is that there is still no convincing rational consensus model to reproduce adequately the characteristics of financial markets. From an econometric perspective, the closest in this endeavour is the model of long-term risk of Bansal and Yaron (2004) and its modifications.