


Introduction 9

Part I. Theoretic foundation of the distributive policy 13

1.Evolution of the theory of distribution 13

2. Ideas, approaches and conceptions to distributive policy 23

3. Channels of realization – basic element of the distributive policy 34

4. Physical distribution – essence and basic activity 56

5. Policy of the channels of international realization 67

Part II. Assessment of the results of the channels of realization 73

1. Financial and economic assessment of the participants activities

in the channels of realization 73

2. Assessment of the contribution of the participants to the common result

of the activities of the channels of realization 81

3. Comparing of the activity of the channels of realization 97

4. Methodology development of a model for assessment

of the channels for realization 105

Part III. Testing of the model of assessment of the results

of the channels of realization in enterprises of processing

fruit and vegetables 115

1. General characteristics of the enterprise activity processing

and canning fruit and vegetables 115

2. Fragmental testing of the model of assessment of the activity

of the channels of realization in the examined enterprises 130

2.1. Assessment of the economic unit as participant in the channel 133

2.2. Assessment of the types of owned channels of realization 152

2.3. Assessment of the intermediate channels for realization 164

2.4. Assessment of the influence of the system for physical distribution

on the channels of realization 170

2.5. Assessment of the power of the channels for realization used 185

3. Model for optimizing of the activity of the channels for realization

of processed and canned fruit and vegetables 190

Conclusion 204

Appendixes 206

Bibliography 221

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Pages: 228
Price: 5 Points

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