
The monographic studies, submitted for review, should meet the following requirements:
1. The monographic study should be research-oriented, present thorough research of a complex scientific issue that has been developed individually or collectively, contain original high-level theoretical and practical research with an expanded structure (content).
2. The monograph should be at least 120 standard A4 pages (1800 characters per page - 30 lines, 60 characters per line).
3. The submitted monograph should meet the following technical specifications:
- the monographs must be Word 2007 or Word 2010 (minimum);
- margins – standard
- font - Times New Roman - 14 pt;
- line spacing - 1.5 lines
- tabulation: 0.5 "(or 1.27cm);
- footers - font - Times New Roman 10 pt, spacing - single;
- half a page should be provided for tables, charts and other graphics; the title should not be embedded in them; the text should allow style editing;
- the formulas, figures, graphics and tables are software embedded in the text;
- a blank line between the text and the tables, figures, graphics and formulas should be left;
- formulas must be created using Equation Editor;
- graphs and figures - MS Power Point or MS Excel, the text below them should be centered and written in Times New Roman font size 12 pt, Italic;
- table headings - aligned to the left.
4. When citing sources, authors should observe the requirements of APA Style (American Psychological Association) at
5. The first page of the monograph must contain the following information: title of the scientific paper, academic title, scientific degree, name and surname of the author (authors), abstract (up to 150 words), keywords (up to 5), JEL classification codes. The title of the monograph should not contain abbreviations.
6.An official photograph of the author might be attached along with a brief introduction of up to one standard page if desired.